Chagas: a growing silent disease with worrying data in Argentina

Chagas: a growing silent disease with worrying data in Argentina

After more than one century of its discovery, Chagas disease is still an endemic suffering in the region. We spoke with the biologist Diego Weinberg, member of Fundación Mundo Sano, an organization devoted to improve the reality of people affected by neglected...

Mundo Sano received two international awards 

Mundo Sano received two international awards 

The campaign “Not a single baby with Chagas disease” received the GOLDStevie International Awards, category:Corporate Social Responsibility. This award, given by The International Business Awards, was created in 2002 to recognize the contribution and achievements of...

First Chagas World Day

First Chagas World Day

Chagas: Together we can make this neglected disease visible After 111 years since the first human diagnosis of Chagas disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) establishes April 14 as the first official World Day to remember the challenges faced by people affected...

El País- Silvia Gold, a heroine against Chagas

El País- Silvia Gold, a heroine against Chagas

If superheroes use their powers to save the world from fearful enemies, Silvia Gold (Buenos Aires, 1948) uses hers to give visibility to neglected diseases, those suffered by 1.6 billion people far away from Spain -they are limited to poorer countries, save for the...


Mundo Sano is a family foundation that, through field research, contributes to public policies intended to improve the lives of people suffering from neglected tropical diseases (NTD's), which are those that affect the most vulnerable segments of society. At present, Mundo Sano has its headquarters and five other offices in Argentina. In addition, it has set up an office in Madrid, from which the foundation implements various programs in Spain and Africa.